Friday, November 7, 2008

So now that its starting to calm down

After all the excitement that has happened this week, I am finally coming down from panic mode. I am not so worried about what is going on with myself but I believe that it is my blood pressure. I did get a random bloody nose one day last week but I read that can happen to women who are pregnant due to increase blood flow (or something with respiratory tract lining receiving more blood). This is all still foreign to me...

But the point of this post is to again speak of how I feel about my baby. I was so nervous in the E.R. worrying about the baby... I just wanted to be told everything was okay and that we could both come home. But I could not deny how weird it was to lose my eye sight and to go numb on my hand and cheek.

But I do want to share that I was so nervous and crying in the E.R. begging Heavenly Father to allow my baby to be okay. When I first found out I was pregnant, I was scared and unsure! Since I of course do not believe in abortion and hate every form of it - I knew I was going to have this baby. It was hard for me to accept and be happy about right away, I knew at least 3 other people who deserved a baby before me and I was fighting with a lot of different emotions. I knew better and I know I will have to own up for my mistake someday. But as I was first introduced to my baby via the inital ultrasound, I have fallen in love with the baby. He/she has completely changed my life - Everything I do now is for my baby. I have never had these kinds of feeling and emotions.

Okay so I am done for now! I feel bad and apologize that this is becoming my online journal - But I do not get to see most of you at all and I want you all to know me.


Unknown said...

Praying for you as all always and thinking about you constantly... love you hang in there

Introspective Steph said...

that's fine with me... Have you read my blog? lol i do a whole lot of complaining. Actually, i found that it's a lot easier to get to know people through these blogs because you actually get to know the "real" them and not the fakeness from church or trying to impress people. speaking of which... because of one of my blogs...i think i offended wasn't you, i hope. Actually, i know who it was. Anyways long story short I enjoy reading your blog so keep up the good work.

Megan Hall said...

Hey there Rachel I am so excited for you. Babies are wonderful and I can't wait to have a little one of my own. I know you will be a good mom. I am sorry to hear about your scare the other day. That would be aweful. Much love, megs