Monday, February 2, 2009

Getting close

Today I am 27 weeks and I cannot believe that I only have 13 to go. It seems like a long time when you say three months... But when you have gone 27 weeks already its like "Okay I can do this. "
So far I only have two complaints about being pregnant but I love the rest.

Complaint #1 - I am SO tired. I have never gained any of my energy back. Not that big of a deal but everyday I just want to go home and sleep after work but I cannot. I am going to try to walk at least a 1 mile to 2 miles a day and see if it makes a difference.

Complaint #2 - Heartburn - I hate tums but they are my new best friend!

As Marcus is becoming more active - which is hard to believe because he has already been kicking a ton - I love to show Mark the way he moves my entire belly. Even right now - he is going crazy. I want to know where he is laying right now. I think he has started to shift down a little bit because there is movement up at the top of my belly and little hiccups down below my belly.

I love this little guy!

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