Lists of FOUR4 random things I like about my boyfriend:
1. He makes me laugh
2. He has made me less scared about being prego
3. He love chilren
4. He's very patient with me :)
4 jobs I have had:
1. Accounts Receivable
2. C.S.R. for a cash advance place - sad job
3. Ice cream server in high school
4. Waitress at a sports bar
4 Movies I have watched more than once:
1. 10 things i hate about you
2. the little mermaid
3. Free willy
4. The Goonies- Best movie EVER made
4 TV shows I watch:
1. Ghost Hunters -Grant is HOT
2. Bones
3. NCIS Reruns
4. The first 48
4 People who email me regularly:
1. My boss
2. My Nike customer service guy
3. Angie Light
4. Nina
4 of my favorite foods:
1. Lasagna
2. Manicotti
3. Sugar Cookies
4. Fried chicken roll ups - IM SO HUNGRY RIGHT NOW
4 Places I would like to visit:
1. Jerusalem
2. Cozumel
3. Jamaica
4. Tahiti
4 things I am looking forward to this year:
1. Christmas for Kallen and Makenna
2. Growing my belly out
3. Feeling my baby kick
4. Finding out what sex it is going to be
4 People to tag:
1. Corey
2) Sonya
3) Megs
4) Rachel
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